The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest in the world. Home to unique wildlife that seems to come out straight from fairy tales.
The Ecuadorian Amazon basin is one of the most biodiverse places in the world, and one of the most beautiful too. The Napo River is the Amazon River’s main tributary and it’s home to several uncontacted tribes that live a nomad life between the borders of Ecuador, Perú, and Brazil.
The Yasuní and Cuyabeno Reserves are havens for endemic wildlife. Animals and plants here seem taken straight out of a fantastic novel or a fairy tail. Most of Ecuador’s bird species reside in Ecuadors amazonic national parks which makes them a birdwatcher’s paradise.


Sail through the Napo River while discovering the beauty the rainforest has to offer and hearing from a naturalist guide about the different species that are roaming around you at that very moment; an Anaconda might be watching you.
Don’t forget to ask about local legends and myths. Indigenous people have a great connection to the nature around them and know of different spirits that govern the jungle. If you visit a local healer, he will tell you about how local plants give them energy, and how they are important in their everyday life.
If you’re brave and adventurous enough, be sure to try a chontacuro: a local delicacy you won’t forget!
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Tena is one of the bigger towns in the Amazon. Surrounded by jungle-covered hills on the banks of Misahuallí River. You can lie down on the River beach, relax, and read a book while the Capuchin monkeys play around. There are also adventurous activities like tubing or rafting in the rivers nearby. The traditional food is really tasty, you can eat “Maito”, which is fish, beef or chicken cooked in a “Bijao” leaf served with rice, salad or yucca. So delicious!

Puyo is a laid-back jungle town from where it’s possible to make great jungle trips. It is home to many native tribes like Waoranis, Kichwas, Zapara and Shuars, some of them were recognized by UNESCO as a masterpiece of the “Intangible Heritage of Humanity” for their cultural manifestations and their oral traditions.


Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve

Yasuní National Park

Limoncocha Lagoon
destination map

Title | Address | Description |
Quito | Quito, Ecuador | The country’s capital is an old Andean city. Although it doesn’t maintain much of its Inca origins, it’s still a testimony to Ecuador’s history and the merging of the Spanish and native cultures. Its historic downtown is the largest and best conserved in all of Latin America. Read more… |
Galapagos Islands | Islas Galápagos, Ecuador | The Galapagos Islands are one of the most biologically diverse places on earth. This archipelago of islands is located 972k,m off the coast of Ecuador and perhaps most famous for being the place where Charles Darwin first formulated his revolutionary theory of evolution. Read more… |
Otavalo | Otavalo, Ecuador | Otavalo is probably the most traditional town in Ecuador. Indigenous people showcase their textile production and colorful designs, and on Saturdays it grows exponentially to engulf the streets that surround it with local merchants, musicians and street food vendors. Read more… |
Volcanoes | Soche, Ecuador | Chimborazo is also one of the most iconic mountains in Ecuador, it’s the highest extinct volcano in Ecuador and the closest point to the sun from Earth. Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in the world, with a perfect conic shape that is recognizable from afar… |
Cuenca | Cuenca, Ecuador | Cuenca, with its narrow streets, beautiful plazas and picturesque cathedrals is a real competitor to the colonial part of Quito. Three rivers cross Cuenca in different parts of town, filling it with magical little spots where bridges take you from the newest part of town, to the colonial side of it.Read more… |
Amazon | Venezuela N6-09 & Mejía. 2nd Floor., Centro histórico Quito - Pichincha - Ecuador, Quito 170401, Ecuador | The Ecuadorian Amazon basin is one of the most biodiverse places in the world, and one of the most beautiful. The Napo River is the Amazon River’s main tributary, home to several un-contacted tribes living nomadic life between the borders of Ecuador, Perú, and Brazil. Read more… |
Cloud Forests of Baños and Mindo | Mindo, Ecuador | Baños & Mindo are natural wonders nestled into the Andes, offering a wide array of activities that go from adventure rafting in the river to relaxing spa days soaking in natural hot springs that get their temperature and medicinal features from the depths of Tungurahua volcano. Read more… |
Pacific Coast | Playa La Bellaca,, Bahía de Caráquez, Ecuador | The coastal region of Ecuador offers a wide variety of options for you to enjoy. From secluded and secret beaches where you’ll be alone to wonder in their beauty, to cities where life is fast, you’ll find fresh seafood and picturesque villages, rich in culture and people proud of their identity. Read more… |
Depending on your client’s preferences, we can help you determine the best experiences tailored for your clients. From where to visit, when to go, what to do and how to get there safely, our travel experts will help you create an experience your clients will love.

Best times to
visit the amazon
Climate in the Amazon basin will mostly be wet and hot all year round. So any time you decide to visit will be fine! Just make sure you bring a rain-jacket with you; it is the Rainforest after all! There is a dry season running from July to February, but rain is to be expected anytime!
Temperatures will vary from 35 to 24 degreees Celsius so you won’t really be cold. However during motored canoe rides, you will feel what locals call the “Amazonian AC” so your jacket will also be useful during this rides where the wind will cool you off.

practical information
For air service you will have to take an airplane to Quito and then a plane to Coca Airport; there are different frecuencies for different airlines, but there’s at least one daily flight in and out of this airport.
Depending on what you want to visit in the Amazon, there are bus options, or a combination of bus and motored boat to get you where you need to be to start your adventure.
For getting around in the cites, visitors can use public transportation or just walk to about anywhere. Towns are not too big. However, public buses are only available from 6 am to 8 pm, there’s also always a taxi cab around that you can call to pick you up and they’re not too expensive.
If you’re deep in the jungle, you can walk around the lodge you’re staying on, but jungle hikes are not recommended without a local guide, especially at night. Lodges will have information on available day and night hikes that you can take (and you should!) so that you get to know everything the raiforest have to offer
The Amazon has a wide range of lodges to stay in and every type of traveler is sure to find something to their liking. It depends on the adventure you’re looking for. Towns also offer many options for a variety of price ranges.
Food won’t be a problem, as lodges will offer everything prepared in their own restaurants. And, if you’re staying in one of the cities there’s restaurants a plenty where you will find local delicacies as well as more familiar dishes to try. If you’re in Tena, The “Malecon” is a good area with several good places with vegetarian options.

more highlights of Ecuador
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